Monday, April 16, 2007

The Producer Revolution

The Producer Revolution: An Explanation
The Producer Revolution is a change in mindset which leads to changes in actions, which then lead to a transformation of a person’s physical environment, or physical world. Because of this change in mindset, Producers transcend the Consumer Condition where there is never enough, where life isn’t fair, and where the world needs to cooperate in order for them to prosper. They enter a world of self-reliance where prosperity is within their grasp—regardless of circumstance—where people have intrinsic value and material things do not; where prosperity is a result of helping and creating value for other people, rather than taking advantage of people and getting lucky; and where financial abundance is the result of a predictable formula, rather than pure chance.
Disclaimer: I am a member of the Producer Revolution - many of the thoughts posted here come from what I have learned in this organization. I recommend you read the rest of the above essay - it outlines clearly the paradigms of scarcity and abundance. If you really want to change your life (not just your external circumstances but who you are), I would highly recommend you consider joining the Producer Revolution.

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